Statement of Faith


We are so glad that faith is not a static statement, doctrine or belief about God. Instead, it is a word we use to describe the wonderfully organic, unfolding relationship we have WITH God.

We love that true faith originates in and comes from God. We discover the faith of God as He reveals Himself and His perspective to us through daily life. His faith becomes our faith when we agree with Him. Through faith, God invites us into His astonishing goodness where we live, move, breathe and find our being in Him.

Therefore, statements of faith for Desert Outpouring Church begin here, but they will always be an ongoing celebration of who God wants to be for us and our adventures in and with Him.


We enjoy and count on the intimate presence of God who is known to us as the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit who are described in Scripture and found alive in us! We love that these three “persons” are awakening each of us and all of humanity into Their love, their presence and their brilliant perspectives every day.


We celebrate the magnificence of humanity knowing that every person was first conceived in the mind and imagination of God. We are so glad that God’s original design for every person is GOOD and it is our great joy to see every person the same way God sees them.


Everyone is welcome at Desert Outpouring Church regardless of their background, family history, politics or previous religious experience. We embrace the opportunity to honor every person’s story and journey with God. From that place of honor, it is our joy to discover together how each of us fit together in a loving and empowering atmosphere that allows each of us to discover and thrive as our authentic selves.


We love that the Bible has the presence of God living within its words. We love to experience Scripture WITH God, because He is the one who reveals Himself within its pages. We celebrate Biblical teaching that comes from scholarly study, contemplative prayer and lived experience. We confirm that the purpose of Scripture is to:

  • Show us who are
  • Draw us into greater intimacy with God
  • Release a relational and practical transformation for people of all ages

Transformed Life:

We have discovered that true transformation occurs when our mind (mindset and perspectives) is renewed by the holy Spirit rather than attempts to change or modify behavior. At Desert Outpouring Church we stand with and for every person to find freedom over hurt, pain and sin which we believe is based in past hurts and broken mindsets. We believe that sin is better understood as the initial perspective or mindset that RESULTS in harmful behavior, pain and injustice. Because sin does not originate in our behavior it cannot be dealt with at a behavioral level. and so we have determined to always call each other up in the transformational awareness of our God-given identity, rather than calling each other out on our behavior.

2 Cor. 5:16: “From now on, therefore, we regard no one according to the flesh.”


The purpose of Desert Outpouring Church is simple:

  • BE the beloved of God
  • LOVE others
  • Celebrate well

Yep…that is it…As we are loved, so we love others in an atmosphere of celebration

Prayer/Hearing God:

We are so grateful that hearing God is the birthright of every human being and it is not a special gifting for only a select few. We believe God has a relentless passion to spend time with each one of us and to teach us how to know Him and accurately hear His voice. We are passionate about hosting a space where people can learn what it means to truly abide in Him, and live an authentic life of greater things.

Ministry & Leadership:

We believe that God’s restored perspective of humanity does not discriminate between gender, ethnicity, or social status and that all people have equal access to every ministry and leadership role with God.

We see ministry and leadership at Desert Outpouring Church as an invitation to deeper relationship and to grand adventure WITH God, not FOR God. We have come to see healthy ministry and leadership as the overflow, quite literally the “Out-pouring” of our personal relationship with God. At Desert Outpouring our focus has moved away from a more traditional model of equipping people to “serve and give” to what we believe is a more empowering understanding that “Our identity is our purpose,” (Yes we just totally made that phrase up and put it in quotes.) But seriously, we believe that being your authentic self is your greatest contribution to ANY community. We have found that when you discover who you are in Jesus Christ then you will find that out of your being flows rivers of living water. These rivers that flow from people’s life with God are the “outpourings” of Desert Outpouring.

Grace, Miracles & Greater Things:

We embrace grace as the empowering presence of God who makes us able to be the person God sees when He looks at us. We are so glad that Grace is so much more than a concept or even an attribute of God. As described in scripture, Grace is the active presence of God in our lives that we have come to understand as the work of Holy Spirit alive in us! Through this daily partnership with the Holy Spirit we get to live the life that Jesus wants to give us. The life of overwhelming love, signs & wonders, and GREATER THINGS!

Galatians 3:28: “There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”